Supply works a lot like HOI1, but introduces concepts like Supply Efficiency and Transport Capacity (TC). These systems gave great control, but forced you to do a ton of micromanagement and keep track of a lot of things at the same time.
You had to take them off map into the Force Pool, perform the upgrade by partially rebuilding it and then redeploy the unit on the map. Upgrading divisions was a bit tricky compared to later games. Reinforcing had to be done manually (although you could do it for whole armies) by clicking on their strength to bring it back up. There was also a combat modifier penalizing you from fighting far away from your capital. For a unit to be able to draw supply it needs to be able to trace a path to a friendly port or its capital. Units consume supply and if they run out they start losing organization etc. HOI1 has a pretty simple supply 'system', a percentage of your total Industrial Capacity (IC) is diverted to supply production via a slider and goes into your supply stockpile. I didn't remember how it was here, and actually had to go buy myself a copy of the game online because I couldn't find any discs :D We'll be looking at supply, upgrades and reinforcement and such first.
Hi everyone, today I thought we should do something different and take a look at how some concepts have changed over the Hearts of Iron game series.